HomeThis Week in MetaCoutureHow To Crack The Baby Bird Egg In Co-Op Adventure Split Fiction

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How To Crack The Baby Bird Egg In Co-Op Adventure Split Fiction

Screenshot: EA / Kotaku

As you work your way through one of Zoe’s early fantasy levels in Split Fiction, you’ll come across a collection of baby birds in tiny nests. One of these little buddies hasn’t fully hatched yet, with only his poor little wings sticking out. But you can help him, while also helping yourself clear the bramble in your way. Solving this puzzle will be easy with our egg-cellent…You know what? No. I’m not letting myself be that guy who does stupid egg puns. Here’s how to crack the bird egg in Split Fiction. That’s it. That’s all you’re getting from me.

How to crack the bird egg in Split Fiction

When you reach the area with the baby birds and unhatched egg, have Mio switch into her gorilla form. To the right of the birds is a small plateau. Head up there, then jump and grab onto the pink flowers on the underside of a hanging log. Move over to the connecting log to cause it to lower.

An image of Mio in gorilla form carrying a half-hatched bird egg to a nest on a launching platform while Zoe watches on in tree form.

Screenshot: EA / Kotaku

Drop back down to the ground level. Have either character pick up the unhatched egg and take it over to the seesaw-style launching platform near the bramble you need to clear. You’ll see another nest here, so place the unhatched egg inside it.

An image of Mio in gorilla form crossing a log from beneath while a bird egg rests on a launching platform.

Screenshot: EA / Kotaku

Have Zoe transform into a tree and connect to the flower on the wall nearest to the remaining birds. From here, she can connect to the log Mio lowered earlier and pull it way back.

Meanwhile, have Mio (still in gorilla form) stand opposite the unhatched egg on the launching platform. Have her use her ground pound ability to launch the egg up, then have Zoe release her grip on the log.

An image of Mio in gorilla form standing on a launching platform while Zoe pulls back a log using her tree form.

Screenshot: EA / Kotaku

If timed correctly, this sequence of events will cause the log to hit the unhatched egg into the bramble to clear your way. Additionally, it will break the egg to free the baby bird and unite it with its family.

And with that, you’re one step closer to reaching the glitch you’re after in Zoe’s fantasy level. But there’s still plenty more fun to eggs-perience before you do. Dammit.


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