HomeThis Week in MetaCoutureHow To Play Doctor Strange

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How To Play Doctor Strange

Want to bring your ranked matches to the Endgame with Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange in Marvel Rivals? Doctor Strange offers a fantastic one-two punch for hero shooter fans: strong and simple. He’s a hero of a Vanguard (tank) variety, meaning his main responsibility is to soak up incoming damage. Oh, and to mess with the enemy with those portals.

Doctor Strange has one of the most varied kits in Marvel Rivals so far. While his main responsibility is effective use of the shield to protect his team, he can also be an offensive force to be reckoned with. Not to mention, his portal has near-unlimited potential to transport his team to better positions, and his enemies to worse ones.

Cut short your reload times

The Sorcerer Supreme has a quite unique property that lets him cancel the animation for reloading. When the progress gets just over halfway, use your shield or melee attack—either of these actions will end the reload animation and, if done at the right time, will still fully replenish your ammo. It may take some practice, so feel free to spend some time in the training range to test it.

Use your shield conservatively

It may be tempting to keep your shield up constantly, but in some situations it’s useful to put it down to charge and bodyblock some damage while getting healed. Especially after the season 1 patch lowered Strange’s shield recharge rate, it’s useful to charge the shield as much as possible. Try to use your best judgement based on who you’re facing off against, and whether shielding the damage is the best choice for your team.

Expel your dark magic frequently

As you do damage with your primary fire and melee, you’ll build up a store of dark magic. This can be a powerful finisher as you get aggressive. However, you’ll want to make sure you don’t hold it for too long after it hits 100. Otherwise, you’ll temporarily be inflicted with a status that prevents you from being healed. This is also good advice for dark emotions in your day-to-day life.

Use your Cloak of Levitation for emergency exits, and occasional aggression

In nearly all cases, the Cloak of Levitation ability is best to get out of a bad situation. If you find yourself overextending, this is an excellent tool to retreat back to your team. On the other hand, this is also a great way to push flying DPS characters like Iron Man and Storm. If you use this ability to get up close and personal, you’ll be surprised at how easily you can dispose of them with a primary fire, melee, dark magic blast combo.

Get creative when thinking with portals!

Doctor Strange’s portal has incredible potential. Players from around the internet have created some incredible plays with these. From infinite spawn loops to a Punisher turret becoming unexpectedly mobile, there are loads of ways to utilize the tool. Don’t feel pressured to make the perfect play with this. Even if the portal didn’t exist, the sorcerer would still be one of the best Vanguards in the game. Try to push the boundaries in quick play, then bring your knowledge to ranked. You’ll be surprised with just how much you can do with it!


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